Congratulations, graduates, on your academic achievement!
You have come to the right place as you look at the necessary steps to complete and celebrate your degree or certification from Clover Park Technical College! Make sure you read all of the information thoroughly and complete all applicable steps noted below.
2025 Commencement Ceremony
We are in the process of planning the 2025 Commencement Ceremony, which is currently scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 10 at 6:30pm. More details will be published to this page as we get closer to the spring event.
Apply for Graduation
In order to receive your certificate or degree you must complete a Degree/Certificate Application. This step is crucial as it communicates with our credentials evaluator that CPTC needs to go through your transcripts and verify that we can award you your physical degree and/or certificate.
Students should complete this degree/certificate application the 4th week of the quarter they will complete their program or certificate. Completing the Degree/Certificate Application does not register you for the annual Commencement Ceremony, please continue to officially RSVP for the ceremony.
Students completing their degree/certificate in Spring 2024 must submit a degree/certificate application by Friday, May 5. Students completing their degree/certificate in Summer 2024 must submit a degree/certificate application by Friday, July 28.
RSVP for the 2025 Commencement Ceremony
The RSVP to the 2025 Commencement Ceremony will be available in Spring 2025.
2024 Graduation Photos
Photos from the June 11, 2024 ceremony are now available at
CPTC Commencement Ceremony FAQ's
There will not be a rehearsal at the 2024 ceremony.
More info about the 2024 Commencement Ceremony will be sent by email to students who have registered to attend and also be available on this web page as the date approaches.
The ceremony starts at 6:30pm. Graduates should arrive no later than 6pm to make sure they have plenty of time to check-in and get in line.
A cap and gown are required in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. There are a couple of ways you can order your cap and gown:
Online Purchasing Options
- more details to come in early spring quarter
In Store Purchasing Options
- Graduates who prefer to order in store can do so at the CPTC Bookstore
- More details to come in early spring quarter
Questions about purchasing your graduation regalia at the CPTC Bookstore? Contact Kariena Mellor, Bookstore Manager at or 253-589-5614.
The Department of Student Life loans out a limited number of gowns, free of charge, to graduates through a program called "Wear It Forward". There are approximately 100 gowns in a variety of sizes available on a first come, first served basis. Students interested in participating in the program must submit a request/ Gown rentals are on a first come, first served basis. Students will be notified in mid May of the status of their request for a loaner gown. Only gowns are provided - you must provide your own cap and tassel which can be purchased at the bookstore. For questions about the Wear It Forward program please contact Danny Lee, Manager of Student Engagement, at or at 253-589-5644. Applications for Wear It Forward will be available in April 2024.
Students who will be completing their degree during the summer quarter of 2024 are eligible to participate in the June 2024 ceremony though their names and credentials will not appear in the official printed materials.
Since the ceremony is not a ticketed event, there is no limit to the number of guests that you can invite.
No. the ceremony is not a ticketed event, therefore no tickets are required. There is no limit to the number of guests that you can invite.
The Degree/Certificate Application communicates to Clover Park Technical College and our credentials evaluator that we need to go through your transcript and verify that you are eligible to complete your program or certificate! The annual Commencement Ceremony honors any eligible student completing a degree, certificate, high school diploma, or High School Equivalency Diploma granted by CPTC during the fall, winter, spring, and summer quarter of the current academic year.
If you or your family members need any ADA accommodations to fully attend and/or participate in the commencement ceremony please contact Disabilities Services Manager, Sarah Addington at (253)589-5755.
To ensure accommodations will be in place prior to your arrival, please contact us by Tuesday, May 14. We will do everything in our power to accommodate any requests that are submitted after the priority deadline.
Please contact Kristen Lawson, Campus Life Program Assistant or Jessica Wallack, Director of Student Life and Graduation Coordinator.
Marching Order FAQ's
Marching Order is a software system designed to create more personalized graduation experiences for students. As graduates cross the stage their name will be announced (pre-recorded by a professional voice artist, ensuring your name is pronounced correctly), along with their name and degree will be displayed on the screen.
Graduates will receive an email, to their preferred email address that is on file with CPTC, from Marching Order with a personalized link to create your Marching Order account. Click that link to create your account!
No! Once you create your Marching Order account, you still need to login and complete the RSVP form.
Program or Certificate Completion FAQ's
- A cumulative grade point average of no less than 2.0;
- Met all of the program requirements;
- Completed 25 percent of the technical coursework at Clover Park Technical College
- Earn an Associate's Degree or Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, or complete a Certificate Program of 45 credits or more
- Earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.75-4.0
- Students will be notified by mail of their eligibility for graduation honors
Clover Park Technical College curriculum is based on current industry standards. Returning Clover Park Technical College students who left prior to completion of their program must meet the program's graduation requirements as described in the current Clover Park Technical College catalog.
Clover Park Technical College Students who have completed the technical requirements of their program but have not completed the General Education requirements for a degree or certificate will have one year from their date of withdrawal to complete the required General Education classes. If a longer period of time elapses before General Education courses are completed, the student will be required to meet the program's graduation requirements as described in the current Clover Park Technical College catalog.
A student is in good academic standing when the quarterly grade point average remains at or above 2.0.
The Associate of Applied Technology degree, the Associate of Applied Science-T degree, the Associate of Arts and Science Degree (DTA/MRP) in Pre-Nursing or in Technology, or the Bachelor of Applied Science in Manufacturing Operations. One of the degrees is awarded to students who satisfactorily complete the competencies and requirements as approved by the College's Curriculum Committee and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. The degree programs are defined and program requirements outlined in the current CPTC catalog.
A Certificate is awarded to students who satisfactorily complete the competencies and requirements for programs that are not defined as degree programs. Core academic courses are required in certificate programs of one academic year or more (more than 45 credits).
Students who believe they have completed their academic requirements for their degree or certifications can apply online for Degree Completion Audit by completing a Degree/Certificate Application. This step is crucial as it communicates with our credentials evaluator that CPTC needs to go through your transcripts and verify that we can award you your degree or certificate. Upon completion Certificates and Degrees are mailed to the students home.
Honor Cord FAQ
A student completing a Bachelor of Applied Science, Associate of Applied Technology degree, Associate of Applied Science-T degree, Direct Transfer Agreement or certificate (45+ credits) who achieves a cumulative college level grade point average of 3.75-4.0 is eligible for honors at graduation. Each student who meets these criteria will have the notation of Honors placed on their diploma.
Students completing certificate programs of 45 credits or more and achieve a cumulative college level grade point average of 3.75 or higher are eligible for honors at graduation. Each student who meets these criteria will have the notation of honors on their transcript.
Must be in a degree or certificate (45+ credits) program and have earned a cumulative college level grade point average of 3.75-4.0.
No. Honors eligibility each spring is based on winter quarter GPA. Summer quarter is not calculated for honors, so honor cords are not available for summer 2024 graduates participating in the Spring 2024 ceremony.
Students will receive their honor cord letters by May 20
Enrollment Services, Building 17. You can talk to any of these three people in Enrollment Services:
- Marie Ott, Manager of Admissions & Enrollment Systems
- McKenzee Murphy, Manager of Student Enrollment
- Tracey Songao, Director of Enrollment Services and Registrar
Honor cords will be available for pick up at the Enrollment Services Office beginning May 21, 2024 during the following days and times:
Enrollment Services business hours:
- Tuesdays: 10:30am - 3pm
- Wednesdays: 10:30am - 7:00pm
Please note, Enrollment Services will be closing at 12pm on June 11 in preparation for the Commencement Ceremony.
Honor cords may be picked up through the day of the Commencement Ceremony, June 11. Please note, offices will be close at 12pm on the day of the ceremony, so please be sure to stop by before then. Honor cords will not be available for pick-up at the ceremony.
To pick up your honor cord, please bring your letter and photo ID to the Enrollment Services Office, located in Building 17 on the Lakewood campus. Honor cords may be picked up during Enrollment Services business hours noted below.
- Monday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
- Tuesday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
- Wednesday: 7:30am - 7:00pm
- Thursday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
- Friday: 7:30am - 12:00pm
Nothing – honor cords are free!
Unfortunately not. Eligible students can only receive one honor cord.
Only if you earned a degree (AAT, AAS-T or DTA/MRP) and your cumulative grade point average is 3.75-4.0.
No. Students were reminded via email at the beginning of the quarter to order their PTK regalia for graduation. Students can order their PTK regalia, including honor cords, through
- Questions about the Graduation Application
- Credentials Evaluator
- Questions about the Ceremony
- Graduation Coordinator
- 253-589-5780