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Running Start

Meet Madison for a student's perspective on Running Start

Meet Joelyne for a parent's perspective on Running Start

Running Start is a statewide dual credit program where high school juniors and seniors can take college courses for both high school and college credit. If you are interested in exploring, or even enrolling in, college level programs Running Start at Clover Park Technical College may be right for you. We offer both hands-on career training programs as well as general education courses.

As a Running Start student, you will have the same opportunities as any college student. You will attend classes on-campus (or virtually depending on the class), have access to our student success programs and counselors, and activities supported by our student life programs.

Many of our career training programs give students the option to be awarded an associate degree, as well as their high school diploma. Ask your Running Start coordinator about this option. If successful, you could complete a degree, earn a high school diploma, and be career ready by the time you would finish high school... all with minimal cost.

Running Start Eligibility

To qualify for Running Start, you have to:

  1. Be between ages 15 and 21
  2. Have completed your sophomore year in high school and be a junior or senior in high school. Recent graduates may also be eligible, and should speak with the CPTC Running Start Advisor for details.

Running Start students are held to the same expectations as all other college students. Attendance, participation, behavior and quality of work must meet college standards.


Running Start tuition is typically free for high school students, but there is a cap to the amount of free tuition. Running Start students pay normal CPTC fees for books, tools, laboratory fees, consumables and transportation. If you qualify for free or reduced-price lunch (or meet other income requirements) many of these costs could be waived.

Starting in summer 2024, Washington State is now funding summer quarter Running Start. Select programs are available. Contact the CPTC Running Start Advisor for more information. 

Admission Steps

The first step in enrolling for Running Start is meeting with the Running Start advisor to begin the paperwork.

STEP 1: Contact our Running Start Advisor

Be prepared to provide high school transcripts, any standardized test scores, or work on self-placement activities to determine Math or English eligibility.

Kevin Kildun | | 253-589-5701

When you request an appointment, be sure to note the following:

  • Type of appointment (phone, online, in-person)
  • Name of your high school
  • Phone number 
  • When you want to start

See the Advising & Counseling Office hours at

STEP 2: Complete CPTC admissions application

STEP 3: Complete Running Start paperwork

Plan to meet with your high school counselor for their signature.

Running Start Enrollment Verification Digital Signature Form

Running Start Equivalency Guides

STEP 4: Meet with CPTC Running Start Advisor

Kevin Kildun will assist you with completing class registration for the upcoming quarter.

Running Start Eligible Programs


Pre-Requisite Classes For

Running Start Coordinator

Kevin Kildun 

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