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Visit us in the Learning Resource Center (Bldg. 15) for computer use, student technology assistance, and printing, copying, & scanning services.

Spring Break hours

The Library will be open for normal hours through Wednesday, March 19th, and then open for limited hours (10 AM to 2 PM) on Thursday, March 20th. 

We will be closed Friday, March 21st through Friday, March 28th.

General Information

The Computer Lab is available for all CPTC and NWCTHS students. Equipment includes 34 PCs, 2 Macs, and an accessible workstation with assistive technology, including Zoom Text & Zoom Text Keyboard, Dragon speech-to-text software, Jaws 2020, Scansnap Printer, and Bierley Mono Mouse.

All computers have internet access, and the following software: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, & Publisher; Chrome and Firefox browsers; Respondus Lockdown Browser; Hawkes; and Adobe Reader. 3 PCs also have software required for the Architectural Engineering Design and Interior Design programs.

Computer technicians are available to help with general computer or software related questions. Our staff are not experts on all operating systems and software, but we will do our best to assist you. We cannot troubleshoot personal devices.

Student ctcLink Support

LRC Computer Lab staff are available to help with student ctcLink account questions. We can help with account activation, password recovery, and basic ctcLink navigation (e.g., where to find courses for registration, where to find financial aid information, etc.). For other ctcLink questions, we may need to refer you to other departments at CPTC.

If you have just enrolled as a student at CPTC, please allow up to 48 hours for your account to be created and ready for activation.

For more information about ctcLink, please visit the student ctcLink tutorials page.

Printing and Scanning

Printers are available in the Computer Lab and the Library. Printing and copying school-related materials -- such as assignments, notes, class schedules, or other CPTC-related documents --- is free for CPTC students. Some limits may apply. Printing and copying requires a Papercut account, which should be automatically created for you. Please see Computer Lab Tech Staff for help with printing and PaperCut account questions.

The printers also function as scanners.  Documents are scanned as a PDF or jpeg and sent to an email account. There is no charge to use the scanner function on the printers but a printing code is required to access the scanning feature.  You can also use the new book scanner in the Library!

Student Tech Support Contacts

Student Email, Wi-Fi, and ctcLink account Support
For help with student email, WiFi, or ctcLink account questions please contact:

eLearning Support
Students who need assistance with Canvas or general online learning support should contact:

Free/Low Cost Computing Resources

The CPTC library has a limited number of laptops available for students to borrow every quarter.  Please visit the library webpage for more information. 

If you need help accessing the technology you need to complete your CPTC program, there are also several local and national resources for low-cost computers and Internet service, as well as technical assistance:

  • Green PC:  Tacoma's Green PC sells refurbished laptops and desktops, and offers computer repair and e-recycling.
  • ConnectAll:  Seattle based ConnectAll sells refurbished laptops, desktops, and tablets.  Visit their website for registration and eligibility information.
  • PCs for People:  Online store for low-cost computers and internet, for eligible individuals.
  • EveryoneOn:  Connects individuals and families to local options for affordable computers and internet.
  • Residential internet resource list:  The City of Tacoma has compiled a list of low-cost internet resources available throughout the Puget Sound region.
  • Drive-in WiFi hotspots:  An interactive map of free drive-in WiFi hotspots across Washington State
  • TechConnect Washington:  Free technology assistance in several languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Tigrinya, Afaan Oromoo, Amharic, Sidamo, Wolaytta, or English.

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