The eLearning Department, located in Building 15, Room 104, provides Canvas Learning Management System administration and support for students, faculty, and staff.
In addition to managing Canvas, eLearning also trains faculty and staff in instructional technologies used to deliver online instruction at CPTC.
Log into Canvas
Spring Break hours
The Library will be open for normal hours through Wednesday, March 19th, and then open for limited hours (10 AM to 2 PM) on Thursday, March 20th.
We will be closed Friday, March 21st through Friday, March 28th.
Student Support
For assistance with Canvas, Lockdown Browser and other eLearning questions, contact:
- Brady Hageman, eLearning Support Specialist, at or 253-589-4534, or
- LRC Computer Technology Specialists, at or 253-589-5820
Faculty and Staff Support
- For assistance with Canvas and other online learning technical support, contact Brady Hageman at or 253-589-4534.
- For assistance with online course design or or curricular development, contact the Teaching and Learning Center at
Online Student Concern Process
If you have concerns or complaints regarding your e-Learning course, please follow the Student Concerns/Academic Appeal process described in the college catalog. Forms are available at Student Concern Process.
Students residing outside of Washington State and enrolled in distance education courses may submit a complaint with the Washington Student Achievement Council after exhausting the institution’s complaint resolution process. The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.
How to Log In
To log into Canvas, go to the CPTC Canvas login page, at
- All CPTC students, faculty, and staff must log into Canvas with your CPTC email login and password.
- Students, please make sure to set up your CPTC student email before logging into Canvas for the first time! Student emails are specific to CPTC and are different from your personal emails.
Using Lockdown Browser
Some instructors will require the use of a special web browser for taking tests at home. If your instructor requires Lockdown Browser, click on Respondus Lockdown Browser to download and install it on your computer. Lockdown Browser is also installed on computers in the Learning Resource Center, for your use.
Brady Hageman
Learning Management System Specialist
LRC Computer Lab
Computer Technology Specialists
Teaching and Learning Center