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Accessibility Committee

The Clover Park Technical College Accessibility Committee, in support of college and state policies, will establish, review, and evaluate collegewide accessibility plans and advise the Student Learning Council in regard to promoting and providing appropriate, effective, and integrated access for students, employees and community members. To that end, the committee will:

  1. model and facilitate a culture of accessibility for all faculty, staff and students;
  2. provide training and support to improve the level of accessibility;
  3. serve as a clearinghouse for accessibility questions, resources, and issues for CPTC.


Note: The video above uses the term "websites" very broadly to mean anything viewed by an individual online. This video includes stories from individuals who are not able to access class materials (Canvas, 3rd party software), library software, and internal digital materials.


Accessibility Committee Members


  • Geoff Cain – Teaching & Learning Center
  • Melissa Medina – Disabled Student Services


  • Stefanie Bosen - Finance and Administration
  • Rachael Butler – Workforce Development
  • Jessica Carey - Instructor
  • Lisa Cutler - Learning Resource Center
  • Pearl DeSure - Learning Resource Center
  • Austiin Donovan - Teaching and Learning Center
  • Betzaida Solorio-Flores - Student
  • Brady Hageman - eLearning
  • Sidhu Harman - Marketing
  • Pamela Jeter – Director IT
  • Pam Munizza – Instructor
  • Harman Sidhu - Marketing
  • Sheli Sledge -- Equity Diversity & Inclusion
  • Eric Stokes - Instructor
  • Leah Wilkins – Workforce Development

Accessibility Committee Focus Areas

  1. Promote accessibility training on campus
  2. Raise awareness of accessibility issues on campus
  3. Make recommendations for accessibility on campus

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