Year Adopted:
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that rest breaks are provided in accordance with labor-management agreements.
Signed Policy
- Supervisors are responsible for scheduling the time for non-exempt employees’ rest breaks and should consider the workload and the nature of the job performed. Unless job conditions do not permit, a rest break is scheduled at approximately the middle of every four-hours of work. Whenever necessary, the supervisor may change the time rest periods are taken.
- Rest breaks are compensated time as work time and cannot be “banked” to shorten a work day, lengthen a work day to receive extra pay for time worked, lengthen other rest breaks or lunch periods, or used as or part of vacation, sick leave, or personal days. Rest breaks not taken are considered lost.
- Employees are expected to be punctual in starting and ending their breaks. Therefore, breaks should be taken in the immediate area of the college. Violation of this section of the policy is subject to disciplinary action.
- Employees on rest breaks may not interfere with other employees who are working and not on a rest break