The Associated Student Government (ASG) is an advocate of the student's voice and a partner with other governing units. The Student Government oversees the administration of the ASG.
Council meetings are open to the public and are held on a regular basis while CPTC is in session. Due to COVID-19, meetings will be conducted using video conferencing software
Meeting information will be shared at the start of the quarter.
Governing Documents
Funding Requests
Is your student organization or program area considering requesting supplemental funding from the Student Government?
Please visit www.cptc.edu/student-life/asg/funding-requests to learn about the process, timeline and application.
Get Involved
Whether it's joining or starting a club, serving on a campus committee, or volunteering for ASG events, there are many opportunities for students to get involved with ASG.
If you're looking for short-term ways to get involved, please contact Student Life at involvement@cptc.edu or 253-589-5780.
ASG Student Priorities Archive
Since 2015, ASG has developed a student priorities paper that represents the issues student leaders have identified as their highest priorities for advocacy in the upcoming academic year.
Join Our Team
To stay in the loop about our next hiring process, activate your CPTC email address, as this is how we will communicate to CPTC students about student employment opportunities.
Please visit www.cptc.edu/student-life/student-jobs for more information about our process explained, requirements and FAQ's.