What is an Endowment?
“Paying it forward” through an endowed gift allows for ongoing giving. Endowments are established when gifts are invested, and the interested earnings provide support in perpetuity. Funds are invested according to the Foundation’s Investment Policy and investment growth is spent according to the Foundation’s Endowment Expenditure Policy.
Minimum level requirement: $12,000 this can be paid over a period of time or through deferred giving. Often these types of funds are established through cash, appreciated assets (e.g. stock, real estate, etc.), charitable trust, or a simple will.
The Foundation Office is ready to assist you in establishing an endowed fund, please contact us at 253-589-6082 or foundation@cptc.edu for more information.
Current Endowed Funds
Adriatic Grill Endowment
Established in 2010. The earnings from the endowment will be used to fund culinary scholarships and program enhancements.
Autobody Craftsman Endowment
Established in 2014 by a donation from the now-dissolved Autobody Craftsman Association to provide sustainable scholarship support for students enrolled in Automotive Collision Technician and Automotive Restoration and Customization programs.
Broxson-White Endowment for Emergency Assistance
Established in 2021 by a donation from Jan M. Anderson, the Broxson-White Endowment for Emergency Assistance honors CPTC’s Vice President of Instruction Dr. Thomas A. Broxson and his wife Dr. Kelly S. White for their commitment to excellent education for everyone. The earnings from the endowment will be used to fund emergency needs for students at Clover Park.
Pauline Burton Memorial
Established in 2011 by Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp)/Dynacare Northwest Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Laboratory Corporation of America. Honors Pauline Burton’s long-standing and dedicated service in providing students enrolled in the Histology Program with hands-on training in a clinical setting. She served as an Advisory Committee member for the Clover Park Technical College Histology program. “I will be thinking of all of you and how very much I am loved. That is where my thoughts will be. I am blessed,” Pauline Burton. The earnings from this endowment are used to support scholarships for students in the Histology program.
Classical Glass Corvette Club Endowment
Established in 2007. The earnings from the endowment are used to fund scholarships to students in Automotive programs.
Clover Park/LeMay Vehicle Restoration Endowment
Established in 2008 from a gift of the Collector’s Foundation. The earnings from this endowment will be used to fund scholarships in automotive programs.
Elliot/Patrick Endowment
Established in 2013 with a gift from Francine Elliot and Larry Patrick. The earnings from the endowment are used to provide scholarships to full-time students who have completed at least one quarter in an aerospace program (Professional Pilot, Aviation Mechanics, or Composite Technician).
Emergency Assistance Endowment
Established in 2010 with gifts from the Rotary Club of Tacoma South, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and matched by the CPTC foundation. This endowment held a staff and faculty giving campaign in 2017 that doubled the endowment to help provide more support for students with basic needs. The earnings from the endowment help students meet emergency needs that would prevent them from continuing their education.
Eva Gordon Endowment
Established in 2020 by a gift from the estate of Eva Gordon. The earnings from the endowment are used to support the emerging needs of CPTC.
Exceptional Faculty Award
Established using matching funds from the Washington State Community and Technical College Board, this endowment funds faculty awards and supports professional development for CPTC Faculty.
Gertrude Brenden Emerging Needs Endowment
This endowment was established in 1998 with a gift from the Brenden family estate. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students enrolled in any full-time program, as well as to fund the emerging needs of CPTC identified by the board of directors.
Gertrude Brenden Environmental Science Endowment
This endowment was established in 1998 with a gift from the Brenden family estate to support scholarships in the Environmental Science and Horticulture programs.
Goranson Memorial Endowment
Established in 2004 by former CPTC President, Dr. Sharon McGavick, in memory of her mother. The earnings from the endowment are used to fund the Goranson Memorial Scholarship for full-time single mother students.
Jim and Dorothy Harkness Memorial Endowment
Established by the Harkness family in 2001, the Jim and Dorothy Harkness Memorial Scholarship Endowment honors Jim and Dorothy Harkness, founders of Harkness Furniture. The earnings from the endowment are used to fund scholarships for students in accounting, retail business management, and interior design programs. In addition, this endowment also provides support as needed for student Emergency Assistance.
Jolly-Morse Scholarship Endowment
Established in 2010. The earning from the endowment will be used to fund Culinary Arts program scholarships. If you are interested in donating this endowment you may do so here.
Hamilton Family Endowment
Established in 1996, the Hamilton Family Endowment honors the Hamilton Family. The earnings from the endowment are used to fund scholarships and other needs as determined by the Foundation Board of Directors.
KVTI Radio Endowment
Established in 2010 with funds from the former CPTC Radio Broadcasting Program which operated the KVTI radio station from 1955 until 2010. The earnings from the endowment were used to support media communication program students until the program closed. Now, the endowment is used to fund general scholarships to students at Clover Park.
Leila Bushiti Lee Memorial Endowment
Established in 2005 in memory of a beloved faculty member in early childhood education. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students in the Early Care and Education program.
Lincoln Park Masonic Lodge #80 Scholarship Endowment
Established in 2020 by a gift from the Lincoln Park Masonic Lodge #80 to support general scholarships for students at CPTC.
Dr. Sharon McGavick Endowment
Established in 2004 by former college president, Dr. Sharon McGavick. The earnings from this endowment are used to provide scholarships to full-time students, with a preference for single-parent mothers.
James McGranahan Memorial Endowment
Established in 2010 in memory of James (Jim) McGranahan. The earnings from the endowment will be used to fund scholarships to students in architectural engineering design and interior design programs as well as to support program enhancements.
Chef Charlie McManus and Phyllis McGavick Brioch (McGavick Winery) Endowment
Established in 2007. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships in the Culinary Arts program.
Mt. Tahoma Alumni Trade School Scholarship Endowment
This fund is currently being established through an inter-class competition between the graduating classes of Mt. Tahoma High School. Funds scholarships for graduating seniors and alumni of Mt. Tahoma High School attending CPTC in any program. If you would like to assist with the crowdfunding of this endowment, you may donate online at https://www.cptc.edu/MtTahomaGives. You may also send a check to the CPTC Foundation at 4500 Steilacoom Blvd. SW, Lakewood WA 98499. Please include a note with direction to support the Mt. Tahoma Alumni Trade School Scholarship Endowment, and what class year you would like credited with the donation for the class competition. If possible, please include an email address for contact and tax donation receipt purposes.
Rainier Pacific Bank Endowment
Established in 2005 by the Rainier Pacific Foundation to provide scholarships to full-time students demonstrating financial need.
Rotary Club of Clover Park
Established in 2005. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students enrolled in any full-time program.
Rotary Club of Tacoma South Endowment
Established in 2006. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students enrolled in any full-time program.
Avon and Cecil Sharpe Memorial Endowment
Established in 2003 with a donation from the Clover Park Kiwanis Club and the CPTC Foundation in memory of Avon and Cecil Sharpe. Cecil Sharpe taught at Clover Park Technical College for years in the printing program and Avon was an art teacher. Both were active members of the Lakewood community. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students enrolled in any full-time program.
Linda J. & Ronald A. Schoonmaker Endowment
Established in 2015 with a gift from Linda and Ronald Schoonmaker. The earnings from the endowment are used to fund scholarships to students who are spouses of an active-duty service member.
Sonntag Family Endowment
Established in 2006. This endowment honors the memory of Father and son, Dick and Jack Sonntag. Dick was very active in the Pierce County community and Jack was passionate about the automotive industry. Earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students in automotive programs.
Washington Restaurant Association Endowment
Established in 2005 by a gift from the Washington Restaurant Association. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students in the Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts programs.
Washington State Histology Society Endowment
Established in 2019 by a donation from the now-dissolved Washington State Histology Society to provide sustainable scholarship support for students in the Histology program.
Wendy Joseph Cares Scholarship Endowment
This fund is currently being established through community donations in memory of Wendy Joseph. Wendy served as the Director of Financial Aid at CPTC, where she worked to ensure students could cover the costs of pursuing their education. The Wendy Joseph Cares Scholarship Endowment will allow her legacy to continue and make a small contribution toward bettering the lives of others by providing scholarships for single-parent students at CPTC. If you would like to assist with the crowdfunding of this endowment, you may donate online at https://www.cptc.edu/WendyJosephCares. You may also send a check to the CPTC Foundation at 4500 Steilacoom Blvd. SW, Lakewood WA 98499. Please include a note with direction to support the Wendy Joseph Cares Scholarship Endowment. If possible, please include an email address for contact and tax donation receipt purposes.
Earl C. “Willie” Williamson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Established in 2020 in memory of Willie Williamson, owner and operator of Durham Sunroofs & Upholstery in Seattle. Willie served on the Advisory Committee for the CPTC upholstery program and also employed several CPTC alumni in his shop. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships to students enrolled in the upholstery program who intend to work in automotive upholstery or related vehicle customizing fields.
Senator Shirley Winsley Endowment
Established in 2004 upon her retirement from the Washington State Senate in honor of Senator Shirley Winsley. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships to students enrolled in any full-time program.
Woodworth Family Endowment
Established in 2020 with a grant from the Woodworth Family Foundation. The earnings from this endowment are used to fund scholarships for students enrolled in any full-time program.
US West Endowment
Established by US West in 2002. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund general scholarships for CPTC students.
Jeffrey Lee Davis Scholarship Endowment
Established by Jeffrey Lee Davis in 2021. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund CPTC students participating in the School of Aerospace and Aviation, the School of Advanced Manufacturing, and the School of Science Technology and Engineering and Design.
Kayce JoAnna White Endowment
Established by Kayce JoAnne White in 2021, to honor her mother Janet M. Anderson. This endowment is inspired by Janet's career as a nurse and educator, along with tribute to Kaye's maternal grandmother, Doris LaRue Pearce, who was an RN during the Great Depression. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund CPTC students participating in the Nursing, Pharmacy Technician, and/or Medical Laboratory Technical programs.
Clifford Lincoln Endowment
Established by David Lincoln in 2022, to honor his father, Clifford Lincoln, and his commitment to the Aviation Maintenance Industry. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund CPTC students participating in Aviation Maintenance and/or Avionics Programs.
Thomas Kay Parks Endowment
Established by Thomas Kay Parks in 2022. This endowment is in memory of Thomas Kay Park's commitment to our community. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund general scholarships for CPTC students.
Ottie Ladd Endowment
Established by Clara Kinner Ladd in 2022, to honor her late husband Ottie Ladd and his outstanding commitment to our community. Ottie was the past owner of the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants in Pierce County, Spokane and Coeur d’Alene. His KFC restaurants provided a first job for many young people. Ottie was a 42–year member of the Tacoma Rotary #8, also served as president of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, and served on many community boards such as Greater Lakes Mental Health, Allenmore Hospital Foundation, the Tacoma Art Museum, the Washington State Historical Society, Lakewold Gardens and MultiCare Foundation
Steven W. Hanson Endowment
Established by the Hanson Motors, Inc. Dealership in 2022, to honor Steven W. Hanson and his commitment to the Automotive Industry. Steven Hanson was born in Mt. Vernon, WA to dairy farmers, but he had a lifetime love of cars, which resulted in the establishment of Hanson Motors, Inc. Steven Hanson has hired several CPTC students over the years, and this endowment will continue his legacy and support many CPTC students in the future with scholarships. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund both CPTC students in automotive-related programs and to assist with general scholarships.
Novicky Lee Family Scholarship Endowment
Established in 2022 by Mike Lee and Joanna Novicky. The Novicky Lee Family Endowment honors the Novicky and Lee Families for their commitment to affordable education for students who have attended Mt. Tahoma High School and enrolled at Clover Park Technical College. Interest earned from this endowment is used to fund CPTC students who have graduated from Mt. Tahoma High School.

Office Hours
The CPTC Foundation office is located in Building 19, room 101 on the Lakewood campus
Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Contact Us
Foundation Staff
Cathy Purcella
Foundation Executive Director
Kenzie Armstrong
Foundation Associate
Tanya Petrov
Foundation Accountant