Clover Park Technical College (CPTC) provides e-mail accounts to students as the official communication mechanism for sharing all College information.
The College reserves the right to send official communications to the College e-mail address assigned to all students. The College expects that every student will receive email at his or her CPTC address and the student willread their e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis.
Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be urgent and require immediate attention. A student's failure to receive and read College communications in a timely manner does not absolve that student from knowing and complying with the content of such communications.
Signed Policy
Students who are provided CPTC e-mail accounts will follow this process and procedure:
1. Student Identification number (SID) is assigned at time of admission.
2. An email will be sent to the student's personal email account within 24-48 hours (not including weekends) with directions of how to activate CPTC email account.
3. Students who do not have access to email at home may use college computers at the Learning Resource Center (Library) or other student-use computers on campus.
4. Assistance in activating student email accounts and how to use student email is available online by visiting www.cptc.edu/email-help.
Employees and program departments who would like to send a global email to all CPTC students need to follow this process and procedure:
1. Department heads must approve any global emails that are being sent to students. In writing the email, employees should consider the following criteria:
- Must be global in nature, i.e. affects all or most students
- Must be concise and focus on major events or deadlines
- Use links to refer to more information or calendar of events
- Cannot be served by a smaller more specific distribution list
2. After approval is granted by the Department Head, that individual will send the email to the Director of Student Life to post to the student listserv. The Director of Student Life will review and proofread the email and ensure it meets the criteria above. The email will be posted using the appropriate sender address and contact information of the area requesting the email, e.g. Financial Aid message would appear to come from the Financial Aid Director. In the event the Director of Student Life is not available the VPSS office will designate a back-up to approve emails to the student listserv.
3. Approved format options for emails to students include the following:
- Should be no more than 500 words
- Include hyperlinks to direct students to more information on the CPTC website and/or calendar
- Easily readable and accessible font style
- Easily readable and accessible font color
- No background images or patterns
- Alt text must be included for any images imbedded in the email
4. In the event of an on-campus emergency or event that necessitates a timely warning, CPTC’s designated emergency contacts have the authority and ability to send a message via the student email system without getting prior approval. All other safety related emails required by federal regulations will go through the stated approval process.