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Chapter 1 Section 4 Board Responsibilities

Year Adopted: 2014
Revised: 2014


The Board shall govern the College through appointment of a qualified President, policy oversight, and establishment of the vision, mission, and direction of the College. The specific responsibilities of the Board are:

  1. Select and regularly evaluate a chief executive officer who is accountable for the operation of the institution.
  2. Oversee a process for the ongoing review of College policies.
  3. Review and approve changes to the vision, mission, and direction of the College.
  4. Review tenure candidates and award tenure to appropriately qualified candidates
  5. Monitor the College's performance.
  6. Promote a positive image for the College.
  7. Serve as a link between the College and the community.
  8. Participate in local, regional, state and national Trustees events.
  9. Regularly evaluate Board processes and performance.
  10. Act only as a committee of the whole with no member or subcommittee of the Board acting on behalf of the Board, except by formal delegation of authority by the Governing Board as a whole.

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