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Chapter 2 Section 15 Use of Interns

Year Adopted: 2000
Revised: 2004


Clover Park Technical College is a higher learning institution that provides learning opportunities for students and interns. The use of interns by any department will be in accordance with the Use of Interns procedures.

Signed Policy


The Fair Labor Standards Act restricts an employer’s ability to use unpaid interns. Basically, the college will not use interns for the purpose of avoiding the law’s minimum wage and overtime requirements. To ensure the college manages the internship program in accordance with FLSA and Department of Labor requirements, the following will be adhered to:

Student Interns From Other Higher Education Institutions

  1. The college department vice president, prior to admitting the student intern, will contact the Human Resource Specialist for instructions.
  2. Department supervisors must comply with the instructions provided by Human Resources prior to admitting the intern
  3. Department supervisor must provide a copy of the final evaluation and proof of completion to Human Resources for the intern’s file.

Interns Not From Higher Education Institutions

The college department vice president, prior to admitting an intern to the college, will contact the Human Resource Specialist for instructions. The department supervisor must provide information as to what the college is required to provide upon completion of internship re: completion, notice, certificate, etc.

Safety and Liability

  1. Department supervisors will provide required safety information to the intern.
  2. If the intern is to be exposed to machinery, heavy equipment, power tools or other equipment that may cause severe injury, the supervisor will contact the college risk manager. Contact with the risk manager must be made prior to the intern operating equipment.
  3. To minimize injuries and liability exposure of the college, interns must receive a safety briefing from the immediate supervisor. If the supervisor requires help on safety briefing, the supervisor may contact Mike Anderson, Director of Facilities.


  1. Generally, compensation for interns is not provided.
  2. If the department supervisor believes some form of compensation is necessary, he/she will contact the Vice President for Human Resources and Employee Relations prior to any compensation provided the intern.

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