Our Approach to Coaching
Corporate Education recruits and maintains a pool of talented professional coaches with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. To ensure best fit, we will work with your organization and the coachee to select the professional coach. A range of criteria is considered including:
- the coaching program goals
- the personality and preferences of the coachee
- the coach’s industry background, certification levels, coaching style and personality fit
- your organization’s specific requirements
The goal is to find a coach with whom the coachee can build a long-term trusting relationship focused on personal and professional development.
Types of Coaching We Offer
Performance Coaching- Focuses on enhancing an individual’s overall performance in their current role, enhancing their effectiveness and productivity at work
Skills Coaching - Focuses on improving or adding skills an employee needs to perform better in their role
Career Coaching - Focuses on the individuals career concerns, capabilities, and options
Executive Coaching - Focuses on improving the performance of the strategic leaders within the business

How Our Coaches Partner With You
Our coaching programs are fully integrated into the management structure and departmental goals of our clients. To set up a coaching program, we work with the individual(s) being coached and their manager to identify specific objectives for the coaching. Each coaching session is private and all discussions are held in confidence. Because our coaches are external to your organization, they are able to remain unbiased and can focus wholly on the coachee’s success. Top management support is vital to the success of a coaching program. This includes not only funding of the coaching program but also time away from the job for the coachee to meet with and form a relationship with their coach.